Monday, August 1, 2011

The Lover's Dictionary by. David Levithan

This book was an awesome gateway into one couple's romantic escapades. It also opened the door a a slew of new vocabulary words. I don't know what I expected going into TLD, but I was definitely whelmed by the contents of this book.

The layout is literally just as you would see a dictionary entry. Word, part of speech. And where one might find a definition, you instead find a small anecdote from the relationship of guy and girl. Each entry in essence defines the word by a different event in the couple's romantic life and it tells the story of them. Levithan writes from A to Z and no letter is left unturned (even X).

I will say that this was a hard book to take in because it doesn't really have a plot of strong story line, so by the end of the story there's no need for resolution technically, but then again I felt like I needed something because I didn't know how to feel when I closed the book. I definitely feel like this David made up for the ending of the other David's (Nicholls) ending...but did he change my mind about male chick lit authors....the jury is still out on this one. But definitely go check it out. It's a really quick read, it's got some really great entries, and it can really enhance your vocabulary.

Rating: 3.5/5

~La Linda Lector