Monday, June 27, 2011

One Day by. David Nicholls

So...let's just start out by saying...though I did not know it...and I probably couldn't have articulated it very well...there was a reason that I didn't feel the need to read a novel contained in the genre of Romantic Fiction slash Chick Lit that was written by a man.... legit reason is One (friggin) Day! That's my parenthetical edit, if you haven't noticed.I will say I just finished it yesterday last night so my feelings my be a bit raw slash unjustifiably antagonistic...but nevertheless...I'm gonna let loose.

This book is set between the years of 1988 and chronicles the relationship, trials and tribulations of Dexter Mayhew - British playboy, and Emma Morely - (also British) educator, activist, feminist, literary connoisseur.

They met one another on July was a memorable yet unmemorable supposed to be a one time round the way drunken deal...but it struck the relationship of a lifetime...The book looks at each of their lives and where they are on that day. There are a slew of ups and downs...successes and failures...affairs and one night stands...drunkenness and vows of sobriety. Important family members are lost and some harsh (but true) words are spoken amongst friends and of course between Dex and Em...Em and Dex.

It's very Love and Basketball-esque...where they challenge each to love each other...but in the thick of it they have this intense disdain and borderline resentment for one another. They are always cosmically connected and they know it and it seems as though even their significant others know it. But in all of this they live their lives as individuals. Dex finishes school, travels, becomes a media icon on the television...he lusts...he beds girls (often)...and he behaves pretty much like a giant schmuck. Emma finishes her schooling and teaches for a while, and writes plays...her ultimate dream to write adult fiction...I don't want to give too much away...but they definitely go separate ways...

This goes on for most of the book, then suddenly in true chicklit form, things take a turn and our beloved Dex and Em see what everyone has always seen and they are a legitimate "THEM"....

And one would think that the last 20 pages (or so) would mean nothing but bliss and babies and new homes and finality....but David Nicholls is a guy who I think may not understand why girls, women, ladies (or whomever else finds themselves drawn to this type of literature) actually read what they's about hearts, stars, flowers, marriages, happily ever afters and what-not...but Mr. fail...FAILED!

If you're a classic ChickLit reader you may share some of my sentiments...I dunno...How did you feel about the film "The Break-up"? Did it bother you that they actually broke up...and the movie ended with them in that state? How about "My Best Friend's Wedding"? Was it a bit jarring that our leading lady not only didn't get the guy (though that was ok b/c we didn't want her to be a man-stealer)...but she didn't get ANY guy...if trends such as these are a bit bothersome to prepared to be a bit anger-filled when you finish this book.

I will say aside from the abrupt and ghastly turn the story makes, it is written very well. The way Nicholls develops both Emma and Dex make it very easy to love them, hate them and sympathize with them throughout. You learn with them and grown with them and want nothing but what's best for them. While the ending is bittersweet, One Day is a book I would recommend reading...please just know a little about your needs as a reader and be prepared for a very unexpected irreversible event.

Rating: 3.5/5

~La Linda Lector

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reading will always be a joy...

so...I've been slackin' on my pimpin', this I know. I'm still deeply entrenched in "The Undomestic Goddess" though I was supposed to be finished with that ages ago. I have found that I am taking it much slower than the first time around. It was funny, my little sister asked me if I'd read the book already because the binding is worn and the bottom corners of the front and back covers are slightly of course I told her, yes I've read it, and she quickly retorted..."why are you reading it again?" She was baffled, befuddled, borderline aghast at the notion that I would voluntarily re-read a book. I didn't really explain it to her at the time b/c she was being a bit of a nuisance...and as I said, I was in the process of reading...but if I had taken the time to speak with her, I would've told her that I was reading it again because 1) it was such a joy the first time...2) because I feel like every time I read a book I see it through a different lens. It could vary depending upon whatever my situation is when I'm reading it. I could be deeply in love, or lust or like...I could be in deep longing...pining away for my Mr...or in this case, my 'Nathaniel'...I could be on the man-hater side, so I could read into other areas within the text...there's so much...and 3) because it keeps my brain spry...I'm all about brain health.

I don't think I've ever thought about really how much I would love to be able to read all the time. It's great finding a good read and be so completely engrossed in it that it feels like a movie that you have the privilege of being in (in that weird invisible omniscient, omnipresent way)...I some times even love those worlds much more than the one I live in. I love my life - true story - but it's something about things are going to go...or really just being able to see how the story is going to end that is incredibly appealing...and since I'm living my life...the star of my own sitcom/drama/documentary...I have to wait it out to see what my tragic flaw is...see how I will resolve my quandaries...sit through the waiting and the pining for a companion and seriously live on faith that that person that I dream of really will manifest...hope that being the underdog (which ultimately is how I see myself) really will triumph...this is me hoping that Cinderella, the Ugly Duckling, Jemima J, that girl you didn't know existed but you saw on facebook that she got married to this fantastically amazing looking guy that even you might have had a crush on and you're like wtfrick?!?...I want that to be me...I want to be able to say later on down the road that my fairy tale came true...

In the meantime, I suppose it is back to the life and times of Samantha Sweeting....

La Linda Lector