Thursday, July 28, 2011

Save as Draft by. Cavanaugh Lee

So I definitely just got this book two days ago (Tuesday) and I finished it yesterday (Wednesday) that should be pretty telling about the contents...It could say that it was so good that I couldn't put it down or it could say it was mad short and even non-readers could quickly finish this book. Well...I'm here to say it was a bit of both.

Save as Draft is 317 pages of dating, romance, love, frustration, anger, and heart break all conveyed via text message, tweet, facebook, and email message. It was a really interesting way to construct a story which I think is what intrigued me to begin reading in the first place.

The protagonist of the story is Izabell Chin (aka Iz or Izzy). She's a hopeless romantic who up to this point has been quasi-lucky in love. She's quirky, intelligent and endearing...a perfect recipe for someone to fall in love with. Story starts with Iz joining eHarmony and having a bit of luck with Marty (Martin). They work. They click. They share the same loves....of words and music and movies and art...and life. -enter Peter- New guy on the scene, Iz's best guy friend from an internship.

That's where I'll stop with my synopsis as not to give away too much information, but essentially things get a little complicated and our dear friend Iz chooses her "right" path as best she knows how. SaD does a great job holding reader's attention. I thought it'd be easy to get distracted with all the different types of social media being used...and not to mention all the different characters being introduced, but Lee does a really good job of keeping the story intact. She's no Meg Cabot with it, but it works. SaD is a little autobiographical in nature so unfortunately, if you've read Lee's bio, you kinda know how the story is going to end, which was a bit unfortunate to me. I wanted something different. All in all I think it was well written, comical, and if it's worth anything I'd read it again and I might even purchase it for my personal collection.

Rating: 3.5/5

~ La Linda Lector

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some new reads...

Ok so I have a couple new books in the queue.

Yesterday after the most horriblest day at work I went to Half-Price Books and I scavenged the aisles and found Caprice Crane's newest book, "With a Little Luck". According to the chick lit blogosphere it's supposed to be something definitely worth reading. I've read 'Stupid and Contagious' as well as 'Forget About It'...both pretty much recommendable reads, so I think it looks good for WALL...not to mention, I'm pretty sure it was just released like today and I got my hands on a copy ayer para $7...pretty sweet. 

The other book I picked up at HPB is 'See Jane Date' by Melissa Senate. I've not read any of Melissa's other books (so it's kinda strange that I sprung and spent money on an author I've not read...we shall see if that was a wise decision)....but she's been on my list of authors I need to that we shall do (see, that is).

On hold at the library, I have 3 other books that seem to be along the same vein of subject matter. I think my impending monthly lady visitor might have something to do with my desire to read these books...but I feel like that conversation is for a different blog. 'Save As Draft' by Cavanaugh Lee,  'The Lover's Dictionary' by David Levithan, and 'Goodnight Tweetheart' by Teresa Medeiros. one can see I totally have another read by a MAN...we will hope this David can redeem the last David with a quality book from start to finish...I dunno. Anyway...I'm signing out because I have a lot of reading to do. Wish me luck.

~ La Linda Lector

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Love, or Something Like It

So...I've been reading this new book...and I've been reading if for like 3 renewals worth of that's definitely like at least 6 I suppose that doesn't speak terribly highly of this book.

Really...I can't say it does or it doesn't...I haven't really gotten excited by the text...but I haven't gotten supremely turned off by it. So, it's a bit slow to develop...I haven't really figured out the purpose of the book...I'm about a third of the way through the book and the "problem" hasn't even become slightly apparent yet. This book is reminding me of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"...where it wasn't necessarily a bad movie...I wouldn't have called it a stellar/ just was...and at some point, when I thought it should've been clear, I had to ask myself and the other person who came with me, to remind me what the point of the movie was...that's definitely this read.

I will definitely see how far I can get in the book before I have to return it to the library this afternoon/tonight...this may be one of those reads that never gets read...kinda like Anna just wasn't in the stars...

Rating: Inconclusive on account of I didn't finish (maybe one day I'll go back to it)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lost & Confused. Lies & Deceit. Love & Redemption. - The Undomestic Goddess by. Sophie Kinsella

So I finished "The Undomestic Goddess" two days ago...and I must say that it was just as, if not more refreshing this time around than it was the first time. The book is seriously a great read.

We have Samantha Sweeting. Great person. She's hardworking, determined, super smart, a hidden beauty, a bit uptight, a worrier, a perfectionist, a people-pleaser, out of touch with her self...and a lawyer.

Readers of course are introduced to her uptight side when she's at a massage clinic and stressing out about filling out the pre-evaluation thing and having to be without her cell phone and blackberry....this is the story of her life. She has no real identity...she is her law firm. Point blank. Period. Fast forward a bit...she's on the partner track, they have the partner making meeting where they'll name her the youngest partner and simultaneously Samantha uncovers kind of a big deal...a set of contract papers that haven't been filed yet...her brain starts working and while she can't remember receiving the papers, she has definitely gotten to the point where she realizes this is no laughing matter and without the papers being filed one of the companies stands to lose a ton of money. Random loser colleague "Guy" comes in and she re-hashes her ordeal...having it repeated by someone else Samantha does what any normal adult would do....she literally

She leaves her building and gets on a train going anywhere but there. On the train she's essentially having the world's worst panic attack and after de-boarding she finds herself lost in a new town. She wanders quite a bit to the humble abode of Trish and Eddie Geiger...this unsuspecting posh, upper echelon couple welcomes her into their home as their...housekeeper...Samantha of course is the opposite of well-versed in the domestic world of cleaning and such...but once she realizes that she has unknowingly walked into this role she adopts it at an attempt to find a new her.

As the new haut monde housekeeper she also runs into the rather delicious grounds keeper Nathaniel. He instantly uncovers her secret, but liaises with her to help convert some of those lies to truths and Samantha truly commits to her life as the new help.

I'll say for now that life happens...Sam continues to learn about the Geigers. She and Nathaniel get close and she also begins to learn important household skills (e.g. cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing) from Nathaniel's mom.

At some point the Geiger's open their home to Trish's niece and that coupled with the increased seriousness of her and Nathaniel's relationship seems to inadvertently set Samantha on a path toward rectifying and confronting (wait, scratch that; reverse it) her past so that she can successfully move on with her future. This involves uncovering the scandal of all scandals...covert operations in London...and more than enough reclamation.

I shan't spoil the rest of the story...but I will say Sophie Kinsella does a very good job of helping the reader feel and live as Samantha does. The plot is follow-able and though one might be able to presuppose how this novel will close the ride getting to that ending is well worth the read and clearly (from my second read) worth additional rides. The book is truly lovely and Samantha though foibles are embedded in her character she is lovely and joy to learn and follow through her journey.

Rating: 5/5

~La Linda Lector