Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some new reads...

Ok so I have a couple new books in the queue.

Yesterday after the most horriblest day at work I went to Half-Price Books and I scavenged the aisles and found Caprice Crane's newest book, "With a Little Luck". According to the chick lit blogosphere it's supposed to be something definitely worth reading. I've read 'Stupid and Contagious' as well as 'Forget About It'...both pretty much recommendable reads, so I think it looks good for WALL...not to mention, I'm pretty sure it was just released like today and I got my hands on a copy ayer para $7...pretty sweet. 

The other book I picked up at HPB is 'See Jane Date' by Melissa Senate. I've not read any of Melissa's other books (so it's kinda strange that I sprung and spent money on an author I've not read...we shall see if that was a wise decision)....but she's been on my list of authors I need to read...so that we shall do (see, that is).

On hold at the library, I have 3 other books that seem to be along the same vein of subject matter. I think my impending monthly lady visitor might have something to do with my desire to read these books...but I feel like that conversation is for a different blog. 'Save As Draft' by Cavanaugh Lee,  'The Lover's Dictionary' by David Levithan, and 'Goodnight Tweetheart' by Teresa Medeiros. Um...as one can see I totally have another read by a MAN...we will hope this David can redeem the last David with a quality book from start to finish...I dunno. Anyway...I'm signing out because I have a lot of reading to do. Wish me luck.

~ La Linda Lector

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